Love Letters: As You Take a Step Towards Love...

To celebrate the love, care and romance in the air that only February can bring, the APB Writers' Team decided to write up their very own Love Letters! We asked our talented writers to dedicate their works of art to anyone they wanted - be it their family, their loved ones, their significant others, to themselves or even to you readers! So, here are the entries we have for you!


As You Take a Step Towards Love...

by: Muhammad Arshad bin Affandi, Foundation in Business (April '17 Cohort)

I hope you prioritise your happiness before others. Don’t depend on anyone else for it, as you’ll only lose yourself trying to please them. Make sure your wellbeing is taken care of before you care for others, as you are also only human.

You can only work so hard for what you want, but if the opportunity does not present itself, don’t succumb to it. Remember – the world doesn’t owe you anything, so don’t be upset if things don’t go your way. Instead, the best thing you can do is scream at the top of your lungs and let out all the anger and disappointment.

I hope you are able to accept yourself for who you are, instead of constantly comparing yourself to everyone else. I hope you are able to see yourself in the mirror and realise your flaws are not what hold you down in life.

Know that you were born out of love. Your parents didn’t bring you into this world just so you could hate yourself. If they really loved you, just imagine how awful they would be if they realised they didn’t know how much you were hurting much sooner. Don’t be afraid to reach out, you’ll always be able to learn from that.

Instead of blaming yourself for all the bad outcomes, I hope you spend your nights smiling for the decisions you made, regardless if they were good or bad. Don’t be afraid to lower your ego to apologise, and give yourself time to forgive.

Mix around and make friends, then you’ll realise there is no one exactly like you in this world, but you. No matter how many people you meet, there will always be a side to them you don’t agree on. If you know that they aren’t perfect to you, you may also not be perfect to them. Learn to be accepting of other people.

Relationships end, and you may have pictures and memories to remind yourself that love doesn’t change, only people do. You shouldn’t, even from the very beginning, hold people accountable for what they may have said, lest they may hold it against you. Don’t let one bad memory ruin the good ones you made. Only fate will tell, so just move on and don’t look back.

Don’t hold back and remember to always stand up for yourself. Remember that you have your worth and that you are always loved. Always stand up for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to say no.

No one will constantly know what you’re feeling inside, so instead of keeping it all in, be sad when you are sad. However, when you are happy, laugh until you have tears running down your cheeks. There will always be those days where you avoid plans just to sleep in, and that’s okay.  

It’s totally up to you to choose to heed to these reminders. Following just one or two of them to heart would only be human, as you don’t always have the power to stop time and think about your next action. So just remember before taking a step towards love, you are living for yourself and only you know who you truly are at the end of the day, so make each and every day count.


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